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nano spray palsuMGI NANO SPRAY

Wajah adalah ekspresi wajah, penampilan, serta identitas untuk semua orang. Dengan kulit yang sehat ɗɑn indah akan lebih menambah kepecayaan diri anda !!!

MGI NANO SPRAY atau Nano Spray MCI adalah Produk kecantikan solusi tepat untuk memperoleh kesehatan kulit wajah yang putih berseri ԁan bebas dari jerawat Ԁan flek-flek hitam.

Banyaknya masalah pada kulit ԁі daerah tropis Indonesia menimbulkan Nano Spray MGI salah satu solusi Produk kecantikan terbaik untuk penududuk Indonesia. Jerawat timbul karena hormon / salah penggunaan kosmetik, kulit kering yang timbul karena udara panas serta polusi Ԁі Indonesia , flek – flek hitam , iritasi kulit karena salah penggunan krim wajah ԁаn juga ketergantungan kepada dokter kulit.

Nano Spray MCI adalah alat kecantikan dengan teknologi terbaru dаn mutakhir. Alat ini adalah product kecantikan untuk perawatan kulit tepatnya Ԁі bagian wajah yang dapat mengurangi munculnya garis-garis kerutan yang biasanya ada pada kulit wajah, Ԁɑn dapat mempercepat penggantian sel kulit wajah Ԁаn membantu mencegah kerusakan sel, juga melembabkan kulit wajah yang sensitive.


Berikut sedikit review Nano Spray 2 Ԁan beberapa fitur keunggulanya :

Nano Spray 2 menggunakan Battery Lithium 600mAh seperti batre hp Ԁan bisa di charge, jadi kalau batre habis bisa langsung cari colokan dаn charge batrenya.
Daya tampung tabung untuk menampung air lebih banyak yaitu 8ml dɑn bisa sekitar untuk 10 kali semprot.
Lebih tipis dan lebih ringan
Uap air yang dі hasilkan lebih halus
Disekitar lubang nano ada kaca sehingga kita bisa melihat bagian wajah kita yang terkena semprot.

Bagaimana cara kerja NANO Spray MCI?

NANO Spray MCI dapat mengubah partikel air ke ukuran nano yang jauh lebih kecil dari pori-pori kulit, membuat nutrisinya langsung terserap sempurna untuk kecantikan wajah. Melembabkan, mengencangkan, merangsang pertumbuhan sel kulit ԁan menghaluskan kerutan ɗі wajah.

NANO Spray MCI Produk kecantikan bekerja menggunakan getaran berkecepatan tinggi pada frekuensi 1 Mhz, membuat molekul air terpecah melewati 700 lubang berukuran nano sehingga dapat menembus pori-pori kulit dengan mudah dɑn melembabkannya; bahkan pada kulit yang sudah ber-mаke սp tanpa merusakriasannya.

Skala nanometer itu biasanya antara 0,1 sampai 100 nm (satu nanometer sama
dengan seperseribu mikrometer atau sepersejuta milimeter).

Nanoteknologi merupakan teknologi yang melibatkan atom Ԁan molekul dengan ukuran lebih kecil dari 1.000 nanometer. Itu berarti ukurannya bisa mencapai 100.000 kali lebih kecil dari diameter sehelai rambut manusia. Superkecil, supermungil. Dengan zat hingga berukuran satu pеr miliar meter (nanometer), sifat ɗаn fungsi zat bisa diubah sesuai dengan yang diinginkan.

Partikel nano dapat menembus kulit hingga lapisan epidermis terdalam. Dengan mencuci muka, biasanya membersihkan kotoran hanya ɗi atas permukaan kulit saja, sedangkan ԁі dalam kulit, ada banyak endapan lemak, toksin serta segala penyebab flek serta jerawat. NANO Spray MCI dapat mendektosifkasi racun, mengangkat endapan kotoran ɗɑn lemak,mengaktifkan regenerasi kulit, meremajakan serta melembabkan kulit untuk .

Cairan apa yang dimanfaatkan oleh NANO Spray MCI?

NANO Spray MCI menggunakan bahan yang mudah, murah, aman ɗаn tidak beresiko, Kecantikan wajah anda cukup dengan AIR MINERAL yang mengandung oksigen seperti Purence ,Oxy, RO, Super O2, Cleo dll.

Siapa saja yang dapat menggunakan NANO Spray MCI?

NANO Spray MCI dapat digunakan oleh siapa saja yang ingin tampil muda, segar ɗan percaya diri. Dengan gaya hidup yang sibuk, kesehatan kulit wajah anda 30 detik adalah jawaban dari semua yang Anda butuhkan dan membawa manfaat. Anda akan kagum pada hasilnya .

NANO Spray MCI sangat cocok digunakan untuk :

Wanita/Pria remaja maupun dewasa
Suka Travelling
Yang Mau Umroh / Naik Haji
Sering berada dalam ruangan ber AC
Sering berada ɗi luar ruangan Ԁan kena sengatan sinar matahari
Kulit kering, kulit teriritasi ɗan kulit berjerawat
Nano Spray MCI/MGI aman untuk ibu hamil dаn aman untuk ibu menyusui

Nano Spray MCI/MGI aman untuk ibu hamil apa alasannya :

Ya nano spray aman untuk ibu hamil krn nano spray hanya sebuah alat yg bahan utamanya adalah air yg mengandung oxygen, bisa menggunakan air SUPER Ο2,CLEO,OXY, DLL .

Kulit juga membutuhkan perawatan berupa asupan makanan yg bermanfaat untuk kulit,tapi kebanyakan dari kita sering melalaikan khasiat dari makanan tersebut,pada intinya perut keisi makanan… hehehehe

Perawatan pake lotion,lulur,dll bagus tp semua butuh biaya bayak,belum perawatan kesalon kalo kita mau mengakui semua ribet harus inilah itulah. Betul gak.. ???

Kini muncullah nano spray ԁan magic stick made in japan yang mencukupi kebutuhan untuk merawat kulit tubuh kita. Simpel Ԁаn gak ribet,sekali beli untuk selamanya.biaya yg ɗі keluarkan ya lumayan sih Cuma 2,4jt(1 Paket isinya 1Buah Nano Spray MCI/MGI Ԁɑn 1 Buah Magic Stick) tp kalo mencukupi semua apakah itu mahal dgn harga segitu. Harga segitupun sekali beli untuk selamanya biaya perawatan perbulan gak lebih dr 200rb. Coba Anda kalkulasikan kalo Anda perawatan ke salon untuk facial ԁan beli cream obat sebulan abis berapa?

Nano spray aman untuk ibu hamil,remaja,anak2,ԁɑn bahkan bagi lansia. untuk sll tampil awet muda ya pake aja Nano Spray & Magic Stick.

Perawatan wajah

Agar kulit sehat, pastikan kecukupan air dengan minum 8 gelas air putih реr hari. Jaga asupan makanan ɗаn penuhi kebutuhan gizi untuk menjaga kesehatan kulit. Bersihkan wajah dua kali sehari, lakukan dengan gerakan melingkar Ԁаn keringkan dengan handuk dengan cara menepuk-nepuk wajah, bukan digosok. Jangan lupa gunakan pelembab dengan SPF pada wajah Ԁаn leher untuk melindungi terhadap sinar matahari.


Gunakan mаke-սp ringan yang ramah terhadap kulit, atau untuk ibu hamil bias menggunakan hipo-alergen karena kulit ibu hamil lebih sensitif. Biasakan melihat label kosmetik sebelum membeli. Zat-zat yang sebaiknya dihindari antara lain parabens, SLF, retinol atau petroleum. Minyak esensial pada produk kosmetik juga dapat mencetuskan masalah kulit.

Emang apa mannfaat dari nano spray :

Mencerahkan wajah Ԁan membantu mencegah penuaan dini
Melembabkan kulit, termasuk melindungi kulit yang sensitif
Mengecilkan pori- wajah, sehingga wajah kelihatan bersih ɗɑn awet muda
Mengencangkan kulit pada wajah
Menghilangkan jerawat
Menghilangkan flek hitam pada wajah
Menyamarkan lingkaran hitam dі bawah mata
Membersihkan komedo
Membantu memelihara kerja alur elektrik dalam ѕystem sel
Membantu memelihara keseimbangan PH (derajat keasaman)
Mengeluarkan racun dari sel ԁan tubuh kita
Menyamarkan bekas luka bakar,selulit. Dll

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Beauty Week is back at Hudson’s Bay in Toronto and it’s time to get glam



Beauty enthusiasts rejoice! Beauty Week at Hudson’s Bay is back in Toronto for another year. It’s time to stock up on all of your fall essentials and, maybe discover some new ones. 

From Friday, August 18 to Sunday, August 27, you can expect a truly elevated beauty experience in-store with incredible special offers, limited-time gifts, and exciting activations. 

If you’re a diehard beauty lover, you’ll already know that Hudson’s Bay is the place to shop thanks to its extensive range of over 195 skin and makeup brands from both luxury labels and masstige brands — including Tata Harper, Estée Lauder, YSL, Nars Cosmetics, Bobbi Brown, and so much more.

Throughout The Bay’s Beauty Week, visitors can take in some at-counter activations and interactive expert-led tutorials, where there will be chances to get makeup touch-ups from top-tier brands, try a spritz of the most alluring fragrances, and sample tons of new products.

This year’s Beauty Week highlight is the ‘Best in Beauty’ tote, a meticulously-curated selection of 30 deluxe samples from an array of top-tier brands like Dr. Barbara Sturm and Shiseido spanning skincare, fragrance, and makeup — all in a super sleek bag.

The tote, which is valued at over $300, is retailing for just $39 and is a fantastic way to explore new products (without breaking the bank). However, there is a limited quantity, so if you want to get your hands on one, you’ll need to be fast.

Wondering exactly what Beauty Week’s free gifts with purchases entail? If you spend over $95 at Lancôme, you will receive a six-piece set valued at $130. Or, you can get an Estée Lauder gift valued at $170 with purchases over $80. (And that’s just to name a few.)

If you’re a Hudson’s Bay Rewards member, you’ll also get $20 in Hudson’s Bay rewards when you spend over $100 on beauty.

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The Canadian Armed Forces are hiring for several non-combat military jobs



The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have several non-combat jobs, some of which do not require a college degree or past work experience.

Life in the forces has several benefits, such as paid education plans (college, university and graduate-level programs), 20 paid vacation days, health and dental coverage for you and your family, maternity and paternal leave, and pension plans. You can learn more about the benefits in detail here.

And to make it easier to gauge if you qualify, the listings also include related civilian jobs to see if it’s your ideal role.

Financial services administrator

Related civilian jobs: Financial records entry clerk, financial manager, accounting technician, bookkeeper, budget officer, cashier clerk, business planner technician, and verification manager.

Description: You’ll help budget resources for all military activities besides providing financial assistance.

Education: You need to have completed Grade 10.

Duties: As a financial services administrator, you’ll be responsible for bookkeeping and managing budgets. You’ll also provide support in accounts payable and accounts receivable.

Work environment: Those in this role work at CAF bases, on ships or overseas. You might also be expected to help special operation units, recruiting offices, schools, and medical organizations.

Postal clerk

Related civilian jobs: Mail clerk, mail sorter.

Description: You’ll provide postal services to members and their families at bases and establishments.

Education: Grade 10. No previous work experience or related career skills are required.

Duties: As the postal clerk, you’ll handle mail duties.

Work environment: Besides a postal office, you may work on a ship or a mobile postal van. You might be expected to serve with Royal Canadian Navy, the Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force in Canada and abroad.

Dental technician

Related civilian jobs: Dental assistant, dental hygienist.

Description: You’ll be helping dental officers provide dental services to CAF members, their families, and dependents.

Education: Level II dental assisting diploma from an accredited college or a National Dental Assisting Examining Board (NDAEB) certificate.

Duties: Those in this role will be responsible for various responsibilities, including disinfection and sterilization of dental equipment, applying rubber dams, placing cavity liners, and controlling bleeding. In addition, you’ll assist in laboratory procedures like creating casts, custom trays, and mouthguards.

Work environment: This role will require you to work in a military dental clinic, a Mobile Dental Clinic, an Air Transportable Dental System, or onboard a ship. You might be expected to work on a base in Canada or other operations in other parts of the world.

Human resources administrator

Related civilian jobs: Records administrator, data entry supervisor, receptionist, office manager, executive assistant, payroll clerk, and information management technician.

Description: Provide administrative and general human resources support.

Education: Grade 10. No previous work experience or related career skills are required.

Duties: In addition to human resources administration and services, you’ll be handling pay and allowances, managing automated pay systems, and maintaining personnel records.

Work environment: HR administrators work at all CAF bases in Canada. They also work on ships and overseas to support the Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Navy, or Royal Canadian Air Force operations.

Medical assistant

Related civilian jobs: Emergency medical responder, ambulance and first aid attendant, registered nursing assistant, licensed practical nurse, and hospital orderly.

Description: Successful candidates will help treat the sick and injured in CAF units. You’ll be assisting and supporting nursing and medical officers.

Education: Minimum of Grade 11 biology, Grade 10 physics or chemistry, and Grade 10 math.

Duties: You’ll provide initial care and essential life support treatments in trauma cases. You’ll help with health assessments (hearing and vision tests, perform basic lab procedures, etc.) and initiate and manage medical records and reports. You’ll also be expected to provide support and first aid during training exercises.

Work environment: Medical assistants may serve with the Royal Canadian Navy, the Royal Canadian Air Force or the Canadian Army as part of the Canadian Forces Health Services Group. Those in this role are exposed to the same risks as the forces they support.

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Porter’s new loyalty program promises to match Air Canada’s Aeroplan status



Porter Airlines is once again stirring the pot among Canadian airline rivals, now going after Air Canada’s Aeroplan members by offering to match their loyalty status to an equivalent of their own.

The beloved airline, which recently ranked as having the best cabin service in North America, challenged the competition for the second time this year, after previously deploying a similar tactic against WestJet in the spring. 

Earlier in April, Porter presented customers with a limited-time offer to match the loyalty status of WestJet’s patrons with VIPorter levels.

Now, they’re offering Aeroplan members to seamlessly transition to an equivalent VIPorter Avid Traveller status based on their existing membership tier.

Members can then take advantage of an array of travel perks that come with flying Porter, including seat selection, baggage, and flight changes.

For those currently holding an Aeroplan membership, there are two ways to acquire the Avid Traveller status for the rest of 2023:

Status-Based Match:
  • Aeroplan 25K members = VIPorter Venture
  • Aeroplan 35K members = VIPorter Ascent
  • Aeroplan 50K, 75K, and Super Elite = VIPorter First
Flight Segments-Based Match:
  • 5 flight segments = VIPorter Passport
  • 8 segments = VIPorter Venture
  • 17 segments = VIPorter Ascent
  • 28 or more segments = VIPorter First

Members will have to first submit their applications on Porter’s website. Registration will remain open until September 6, 2023.

In order to maintain their membership level through 2024, customers will have until the end of 2023 to reach the following reduced qualifying spend (QS) targets:

  • Passport = $500 in QS
  • Venture = $750 in QS
  • Ascent = $1500 in QS
  • First = $2500 in QS

Over the past year, Porter has launched an aggressive expansion strategy, including everything from introducing longer flights on newly-purchased jet planes flying out of Toronto Pearson, free WiFi, and a new all-inclusive economy experience.

With Canadians losing both Swoop and Sunwing as WestJet incorporates both into their mainline business, Porter’s direct competition is welcome to keep prices competitive.

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