Corrupted Government
The social ethical purpose of government in a substantive democracy is to facilitate the quality-of-living of all persons in that society, that critically pivots on providing vital public services. Such a government would make sure, for example, that every human being in the society has access to food, clothing, shelter, social housing, healthcare, and a protected environment toward a high quality of survival. This kind of government would facilitate such vital consideration before, for example, throwing millions and billions on dollars into relatively non-essential areas like subsidizing fancy construction projects, or building more and more bombs that could destroy the Earth many times over.
The elites who preside over the prevailing worship of capitalism seek to transform society into a bleak commercial milieu, where human rights, social justice, and environmental protection imperatives are ignored. In such a milieu, government is corrupted by pressures from greed-driven interests who seek corporate and other corresponding tax cuts, that ignore vital public needs. Such corporate tax cuts are sought as a “kick-back” reward for corporate interests having cynically supported various political campaigns.
The United States where the fantastically commercially rich often lives not far from communities of profound poverty, alienation, and crime, have perfected this kind of capitalistocractic system. This kind of social Darwinistic context is now being exported by America to the world, in the form of ‘Corporate Globalization’. Government in Canada, and internationally, under the ethos of Corporate Globalization, is being pressured by various interests who have been corrupted by the worship of capitalism. This context is further explored in the book ‘Capitalism is Not Democracy’, Parts I, II, and II.